Saturday, the 25th of October

Today, we are having a whole day of mindfulness for about 330 people involved in the field of education at the Preparatoria Ocho, in Mexico City. People have come from the university itself as well as people from other schools and places around Mexico. Brother Phap Luu reminds us that the pratice is a miracle : actually, being here together today we are not losing our time, because not only we are learning about the practice, and we are learning to transmit it to the young generations, but we are also here to practice for ourself and to enjoy doing so! Our Brother continues his sharing by giving keys on the important topic of how to deal with strong emotions, and doing so he invites the whole audience to stand up and each one of us to become a tree, first of all in the wind, then in the storm, and finally facing the sun, in order to experiment our feeling of stability and flexibility in any state of our mind. After that, Sister Bôi Nghiêm explains the principles of walking meditation and shows us how to walk as people who are truly alive, with lightness and creativity. In that way, she leads us to a football field to benefit peacefully from the warm sun that is offered to us today.

Once again we are very grateful to meet such a group of educators who are thirsty of learning about the pratice of mindfulness and so enthousiastic to continue it by joining a Sangha or applying it in their classrooms after one day only of introduction and workshops like this.