Thursday, the 9th of October

Already before the start of the activities tonight at the Universidad del Sinu, the distributors of Thay’s books in Colombia are selling a lot of different titles. As the 150 participants have settled in, we are pleased to notice the presence of one teenager, a few little girls and babies who seem to appreciate the joyful and peaceful energy of this kind of crowd. We know by experience by the youngest members of the family training in mindfulness are often the ones who remind and stimulate the practice in their homes. ‘Mom, enjoy your breathing!’ To start with, Camilo animates a "Maria dice" game, which is the spanish equivalent of "Simon says", so as to relax the atmosphere and see whether we're truly listening.
Camilo the clown and 4-year-old Paz, his daughter/assistant
The focus of our sharing tonight is how to take care of the energy of anger. We also offer the fourth mindfulness training which is listening deeply and speaking compassionately in order to restore a loving communication in our relationships.
walking meditation in the corridor of the university
Joaquin leads the deep relaxation to help us heal and renew every corner of our body and mind, then we get the surprise of a green tangerine meditation. Somehow we never lose the thrill of peeling the fruit next to our ear or tasting the juice of the first section when we have taken a long while before being told ‘Ok now, let’s chew a couple of times!’ Later, workshops take place with different subjects which our friends have signed up for : reducing stress, cultivating happiness in daily life, meditation and health, loving speech and deep listening, helping people with mental illness... Despite the limited time, we go in depth and feel brotherhood and sisterhood growing in the Sangha of Bogota.